Jewel’s Impact – testimonies

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diamond 15“Dear Self-esteem Dr. Jewel I have been called stuck up and anti-social for a long time. My coaching sessions with you changed my defensiveness and reactions. Thank you for helping me to see that because I had been hurt so much in the past that I learned to protect myself by withdrawing from close or intimate relationships. When you told me that I protected myself from the risk of being hurt again and that was my survival strategy, a light bulb came on. You helped me to stop allowing people to shame me and identify me as shy or anti-social. My sessions with you gave me clarity to see and understand why I was withdrawing and perceived in a negative way. I now know there is nothing wrong with me. I do want to grow and start opening my heart to new possibilities. My healing will continue and I can’t wait for my next session with you. I’m so glad my friend in California who attends your retreats recommended your life coaching. Be blessed.” – Linda P. (Florida)

diamond 15I thank God for BLESSING me to be BLESSED by the ministry and teachings of MRS. JEWEL DIAMOND TAYLOR 💎 My life has truly been transformed by your LOVE, SUPPORT and ENCOURAGEMENT you have poured into my life, over 35 years, from your coaching, retreats, published books and much more 💙 You are truly a Woman called by God for such a time as this🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 I Love You Mrs. Jewel💎Taylor – Sharron Grant-Burton

diamond 15 I truly appreciate YOU! You have enriched my life immensely for over 30 years and counting! You have helped me overcome many issues in my life! ❤️❤️ – Marlene Dyce

diamond 15Jewel you bless anyone that you encounter no matter how long or how brief! We met in person only once and my life with you ❤️ in it has changed forever! You have God’s anointing and you use your gift to help everyone you meet or through your website, books, lectures, zoom etc. Thank you and may God continue to keep you and Bless 🙏 you ❤️ AMEN!” – Patricia Jacobs

diamond 15“I sought out Jewel because I was emotionally broken She helped me heal and close the door on my past and embrace and look forward to my future she’s truly annoited by God and is such a gift to everyone 💕❤️ God bless her and keep her Amen”💕❣️❤️ – Patricia J. (Los Angeles)

diamond 15“Dear Jewel you helped me open my mind to my possibilities. As you helped me understand how I was limiting myself, I felt a true liberation. I feel free from many of my past emotional hurts and habits. Thank you so much for keeping it real without judging me.” – Sandra W. (Maryland)

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” Jewel is an extremely astute coach, mentor, listener and guide. I had an initial Skype session with Jewel some time back. Since then I have aimed to put in to practice the clear steps she advised me to look at and work on. However, recently I hit a wall, and had an epiphany of what lay at the heart of the majority of my very long standing ‘ negative – self’mindset issues and this resulting suppressant to reach the potential God is calling me to. I knew how deeply significant this was for me and that I’d arrived at a clear watershed in my life. I immediately knew I needed to speak with Jewel. I knew she would read my situation, understand and discern with incisive authority, speaking courage, truth, honor and measured calm in the way that was necessary and fully appropriate to me. I can’t recommend her highly enough. If you are really serious in turning your damaged mindsets round in your life for good so you can move on permanently speak with Jewel to get you on the right path and beyond. Jewel is the total package and genuine spirit-filled- sent article for those of us who need genuine encouragement and a restoration of true self worth.” – Emily, The United Kingdom

diamond 15Jewel I would like to thank you for being a rainbow in my life. I thank God for your love, support and guidance. As I reflect over the years how you have been here for me, I really appreciate you and I Thank you for creating Women On The Grow. You are an answered prayer. In 1993 I had an emotional breakdown, I was mad at God, I didn’t understand why I had to have dysfunctional parents, both of them were on drugs, on top of that my mother was mentally ill.  I was frustrated.  I had just moved back to Los Angeles California from Chico California where I experienced racism first hand and I didn’t know how to deal with it.  There were so many things going wrong in my life and I needed guidance ASAP.

I remember falling down on my knees, praying and crying to God, I need help! please send me some beautiful black women to help me navigate this thing called life. It was about a week later, my prayer was answered God sent me you and four other beautiful women. Thank you so much for creating a safe place where I could heal. Thank you for teaching me coping skills.  Thank you for your LeadHERship classes and your relationship workshops.  I just wanted to say thank you for your love, wisdom and support.  You Rock Jewel Diamond Taylor. Because of you I am a better mother, wife, sister, friend and I am able to help other women heal, because of you I am a better teacher. I love you Jewel. ~ JoAnn Mitchell

“As a nationwide provider of training and development services, the Graduate School, USDA trains in excess of 150,000 government employees in a variety of topical areas.  For several years Jewel Diamond Taylor has participated as a keynote speaker, a workshop presenter and valued colleague for the Graduate School, USDA.  In addition to Jewel Diamond Taylor’s prowess as a speaker and workshop presenter, she is easy to work with and very reliable meeting timeline requirements to insure a successful program.  Any event planner knows that you need reliable and dependable presenters that cooperate with logistics.  Many say they will cooperate…Jewel does!  I particularly enjoy Jewel’s clever and imaginative use of symbolism and language in the creation of her program, poetry and publications.  This creativity drives home teaching points and allows the session to flow.  Jewel has the ability to motivate men and women, young and old, as well as a diverse audience.” ~ Crystal Baker, Program Specialist, Graduate School USDA

diamond 15Jewel Diamond Taylor you have inspired me since 1994.
Fast forward 2018 and I’m experiencing what you spoke about years ago that makes so much more sense now!… Paradigm Shifts!
I recall hearing… “When the student is ready the teacher will appear!… “You have to teach people how to treat you!”
I hear myself telling others…when they use the word “trying” there is no such thing as trying either you Do it or you Don’t. I would use your example…Try to get out of your chair! Either you will stand or you will continue to sit! This very statement is enough for some to make a mental shift! That’s the goal! Paradigm Shifts…
Apparently I’m ready ! I’ve been praying for a Mentor in my workplace to help me navigate when I realized that the Mentor God designed just for me was there with me all along!
Queen Jewel Diamond Taylor! Your pearls of wisdom are embedded in my Spirit. I’m so grateful.  Queen I thank you…Love You Always!”  Valesha Carter, North Carolina

diamond 15My dear beloved Life Coach Jewel: “I wanted to share the fruits of your love as my coach. I couldn’t see the vision and looked down and wanted to give up and you helped lift my head to the Lord from whom ALL my help comes from. From that day in 1993, when I felt my life was not worth living and I contemplated suicide you came into my life via email. God dispatched you as my Angel to lead, guide and encourage me.

With all your books, CDs, and individual coaching over the past 24 years I am humbled and honored to share my endeavors with you.  I will be retiring from my job in Sept 2016. With your coaching and inspiration along with the Holy Spirit I have two businesses that God birth into my spirit last year around this time.  I’m forever grateful for you my Angel. Once I’m retired I can’t wait to attend on of your retreats. Love you with all my hear mind and spirit.” ~ Charmaine (Maryland).

diamond 15 “Your messages still inspire and encourage me. That is an amazing anointing. Usually if I hear a person once or twice I kind of get it and move on. It’s hard for me to learn from and receive from the same speaker over and over. But you, like my pastor have such an anointing that everything that comes from you seems fresh and new like I have never heard you speak before. There is a newness and a revelation that I receive each time I hear you speak. This is a gift that’s hard to even explain to people. I heard some women today saying that they have to stay connected to you so they don’t revert back to their old way of doing things. That means they are learning and growing.  My message to you is simply, “thank you” and keep going. You give women not only a message of hope, inspiration and encouragement but real life directions on how to implement the things that you speak on. You give us a charge and a command to do better and be better. Please know that it is appreciated and needed. Your message is powerful and always relevant. Thank U for being true to what God has called you to do. Thank you,” – Trena Lawson (Los Angeles)

diamond 15I call myself a JDT Devotee because I have been in Jewel’s  Circle all of my post college life as I pause to reflect, I believe we were both Twenty-somethings at my start with her then Enlightened Circle. I affirm that she was “Born For This” She delivers to her audience from a well prepared and transparent place. Which engendered my trust early on and it allowed me to invite others to join me at her events without hesitation. I always know because of her consistency, excellence will be delivered and attendees will be blessed and edutained for investing time with her as I have and continue to be all these years of my JTD Circle journey. Those attending will find as I do a customized per event Life enriching experience that delivers Tools for living your best life. ” – Gwendolyn Goodman, PHR Business & Talent Development, Certified Personality Theory Educator, Corporate Events Planner.

diamond 15“On behalf of The Department of Public Social Services (DPSS), we thank you Jewel for presenting such an enlightening and enjoyable presentation for our Social Worker’s conference. You did such a wonderful job touching on all the requested speaking points, and we have received nothing but positive feedback from the attendees.” ~ Priscilla M. Gales, MSW, Psy.D.  Social Services Supervisor

diamond 15“Mrs. Jewel Diamond Taylor,  I wanted to thank you for being such a inspiration to me, I’m so happy to have met you.   You have brought so much clarity into my life concerning my purpose.   In 2014 I became somewhat stagnated and began doubting myself,  I prayed and asked God to help me, I heard you on the radio (KJLH) one morning and you were talking about not giving up and for 2015 you were bringing people together for your annual Super Goal meeting and  to do vision boards,  I got so excited it was just what I needed to reprogram my life..  I been so bless and inspired by your ministry,  I thank you for coaching me and I’m looking forward to our next session.  I thank God for bringing you into my life.”    Sincerely, Chaplain Emertha Jones

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I just had the best coaching session with Life Coach Jewel. When I reached out to Jewel- I was angry, hurt, bitter and felt betrayed. As a Christian, you try not to show those emotions. Jewel advised me what I was feeling was normal – for just a moment. I couldn’t stay angry and bitter.  She said, “God doesn’t expect us to be perfect, but he wants us to perFect us.” After conversing with Jewel Diamond Taylor, she advised me to stay strong, remain encouraged, stand strong in my faith, embrace my life lessons from my situation, pray and recieve wisdom and discernment,to speak life, and let go of self doubt. Let your Test be your Testimony.  More importantly she helped to apply self-preservation, to move Forward and Stay in the Light! Thanks Jewel!

diamond 15“I just wanted to take a minute to share  the force of nature that is Jewel Diamond Taylor.  I first met Jewel back in the 90’s when she was a keynote speaker for African American Tour, a national tour featuring powerhouse African American women whose mission was to inspire and empower.  Jewel was so awesome that she was asked to speak in every city for the many years that the tour ran.  I was immediately captivated, and have followed her ever since.  I’ve gone to her conferences and workshops in different states.  I get her e-newsletters.  Bought her books.  Given her CD’s as gifts.  Engaged her to facilitate our women’s weekend retreats  in New York(five times over the last 20 years, to date).  And regularly visit her website.  All are inspiriting and empowering.   What sets Jewel apart is her empathy, humor, style, insight, and spirit.   Jewel excels at getting to the heart of the matter, and challenging women to take risks and embrace change.  Jewel has taught me to see challenges as opportunities.  She is unafraid to share her own testimony, and does so with grace, humility and humor.  Jewel has a wealth of information, and communicates it in a style that is both engaging and relatable.  She doesn’t preach.  She empowers!  Jewel’s life-strategies are life-changing!  She is that good! ” Roxanne Joy Johnson, V.P., Akiele, Inc. New York

diamond 15“Jewel Diamond Taylor is uniquely qualified to deliver inspiring keynote addresses, leadership workshops, and staff motivation sessions. But I love bringing her in to lead culturally-relevant and gender-relevant workshops with our students of color and women students. From a student development perspective, I couldn’t have asked for a better speaker who could relate her life lessons to the needs, hopes, fears, and dreams that students have. Her relatable stories, relevant examples, and positive energy kept students listening, laughing, and learning. Because she’s lived a full and rich life, with its many ups and downs, she’s able to impart lessons to students and audiences that come across as advice from a favorite cousin or aunt. Because she fully owns her identity as an African American, a woman, and a Black woman, Jewel Diamond Taylor comes across as completely genuine as she uses her life to motivate and help students find their potential in life. There are hundreds of inspiring speakers out there to choose from. Jewel Diamond Taylor is one that we will continue to call on again and again.” – Frederick Smith, Director, Cross Cultural Centers at California State University, Los Angeles

diamond 15“Jewel Diamond Taylor is truly a gem! Having been introduced to her several years ago and her teachings, I can honestly say she has been nothing short of a miracle in my life. Her empowering messages helped me when I was at the lowest point begin to regain my faith in myself and my abilities; to discover my true self-worth, and begin to aggressively pursue my purpose with passion. As a result of her mentoring, I can proudly say I am an author of several books, a speaker, and an entrepreneur. Thank you Jewel for being my mentor, my role model, my shero and to God be all glory!” So blessed by the message today at your Diamond Lane Mentoring class! Thanks Jewel – Warm Regards, Regina Mixon, Los Angeles

diamond 15“I’ve been listening to Jewel Diamond Taylor’s coaching wisdom for many years and I’ve been empowered to move ahead and succeed in every area of my life. She has taught me how to meet and exceed goals both in my personal and professional life. She seeks to build up our confidence and ensures us that we as women or men have it within ourselves to live up to our true potential providing we DoNotGiveUp!” ~ Carolyn Noble, Texas

diamond 15“What a pleasure it has been having you share with us in our special Women of Excellence ministry.   We were all inspired and motivated to move to the next level of our lives.  It is our prayer that as you serve the people of our generation, many more lives will be changed because of your obedience to the call of God on your life.  On behalf of the leadership and members of Bahamas Faith Ministries, we extend our heartfelt thanks to you for allowing yourself to be used of God in such a beautiful way.” – Ruth Monroe, President, Women of Excellence Ministry – Pastor Myles Munroe

diamond 15“It was a pleasure to have you speak at our Administrative Professionals Day in honor of our CAST (Clerical, Administrative, Secretarial and Technical) employees for the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences in North Carolina.  On behalf of NIEHS… “Thank You” for your insightful, energetic, and inspiring presentation on “How to Cope with Change, Shift Happens.”  It was a delight to hear your pearls of wisdom, while also learning tools & techniques to help with your professional and personal life.  Even today, I am receiving positive comments and accolades from staff members about your presentation; there was a method that stood out for everyone (me too) –  you have left a lasting impression.  Thanks for making a difference in our everyday lives!” ~ Cynthia Radford, Training Life/Work Coordinator, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina

diamond 15“We want to express and our sincere appreciation to you for being our keynote speaker.  Based on the evaluations, those in attendance were tremendously blessed, encouraged and helped by your presentations.  Your unique use of music during your presentations was fun and uplifting.  The women appreciated your transparency and knowledge and commended you for “keeping your presentation real.” ~ St. Paul Women’s Ministry, Sacramento, CA

diamond 15“Jewel, is a very professional and knowledgeable person who adds vitality to your life and will extend herself through sharing life experiences that will assist you in achieving your destiny. “Maximize the Moment.”  She has excellent communicative skills, creative, witty, and values her clients as individuals and not a one size fits all. Coaching skills are impeccable.” ~ Valerius Byrd Lindsey

diamond 15“You spoke at my California State University, Los Angeles Black Graduation on June 16, 2012; in Pasadena. I was so inspired by you that I wanted to go up to you and thank you personally. Unfortunately, it was way too crowded to get to you. So, I would like to thank you here for your wonderful speech ( I live near you in Ontario, by the way). You were unbelievable and truly motivated and moved me. I will be buying your books and please keep inspiring us all! Do you have a mailing list that provides the dates and locations of your speaking engagements? ~ Angela V.

diamond 15“On behalf of the Mayor’s GRYD Office and the Bullard Foundation, please allow me to say “Thank You!” Thank you for your time, your high-energy and the sharing of your ministry with all that attended the event. All feedback suggests that everyone had a phenomenal time. Thank you for your anointing. During a time of the year that celebrates Mothers, these women may sometimes find that it can be very difficult to find a reason to smile.  Spirits were uplifted, and much healing occurred.  Something special happened last Saturday, thanks in large part to you. You have the most amazing power to uplift, rejuvenate and transform, and I personally, am thankful for having shared in the experience.  I look forward to the next opportunity to work with you, or merely enjoy your craft, and I wish you the greatest success and the best of all that life has to offer!”  Sincerely, Yvette Nall, Project Coordinator, Communications, Gang Reduction and Youth Development, Office of the Mayor, Los Angeles, CA 90012

diamond 15“On behalf of The Department of Public Social Services (DPSS), we thank you Jewel for presenting such an enlightening and enjoyable presentation for our Social Worker’s conference. You did such a wonderful job touching on all the requested speaking points, and we have received nothing but positive feedback from the attendees.” ~ Priscilla M. Gales, MSW, Psy.D.
Social Services Supervisor

diamond 15Where do I start? My journey has been interesting recently. I experienced a place in my life where I needed direction. My compass was not directing me to my good. I am so good at helping everyone else. I reached out to Jewel Diamond Taylor for life coaching. I have learned “No.” is a complete sentence. I am growing thanks Jewel” ~ Nichelle

diamond 15“I love you so much Jewel Diamond Taylor You are such a blessing, but not just to me,but many more more woman on the grow. I thank you a million times for doing what you do. May god continue blessing you endless, because you truly deserve it ,your passion is contagious and transmitted in each an every one of your events.” Wendy Alarcon Olmedo

diamond 15” Coach Jewel …I had someone that wanted to stay with me for a week and I said No without feeling guilty.  I figured why should I compromise me and the stress that I knew would be in my life and my household without any peace.  In addition, I knew that week would have turned into months etc as a result to the person borrowing money at one time promising to pay it back in 30 days and it ended up being 7 months with no mention of it was going to take longer to repay than the initial 30 days promised.  While a part of me felt bad, I am so glad we had our conversation on June 5th.  The feeling was liberating to say the least.  I felt a sense of empowerment after our call.  What I recall from our last call were so many things as I took 4 pages of notes but mostly finding my voice, the termites (4’C’s), recognizing my previous patterns, being clear, definite and specific, importance of working on self. Self defeating thoughts and talk being careful of the voice of being a failure, comparing myself and strongholds.  Realizing that this is going to be a process. Who am I allowing to define my day? How do I define happiness?  Getting out and being more social, taking me out of my comfort zone.  Again, thank you and I look forward to scheduling another call with you soon.”

diamond 15“Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to speak at our first in a series of Leadership Breakfast Meetings.  Your words of wisdom have made a positive and lasting impact in our lives and careers.  Your down-to-earth and yet powerful presentation was filled with encouragement.  You showed us how through perseverance and confidence we can most certainly meet our career and personal objectives and goals. You are a true leader in our community and we applaud your past and look forward to your future successes.” Respectfully, Ann Young, President of the Association of Black Law Enforcement Executives (Los Angeles)

diamond 15“On behalf of the Sacramento Valley Section of the National Council of Negro Women, Inc., I take this opportunity to thank you for being the Keynote Speaker at the 9th Annual Children of Promise Workshop.  How our hearts delighted in you creating an atmosphere where women, men and youth understood and were/are motivated to take baby steps in changing the way we eat and think about food.  Ms. Taylor, thank you for being a part of that day.  It was our best yet workshop.  We were so privilege to have you speak to us.”   Respectfully, Morlene Anderson, President Tommie R. Whitlow, Chair

diamond 15“On April 17-19, 2009, approx 400 women from over 12 churches convened at the St. Paul Baptist Church Campus (Sacramento, CA) to attend the “Yes We Can” Women’s Conference.  We praise God for His presence at the conference.  Because of Him, the women had a great time in the Lord and the St. Paul Women’s Ministry achieved its conference goal of educating, equipping and empowering women to become Resilient Women of God Rooted in the Lord (Jeremiah 17:7-8).  On behalf of the St. Paul Women’s Ministry Steering Committee, we want to express our sincere appreciation to you for answering our request to be the keynote speaker for this event and for allowing God to use you.  Based on the conference evaluations those in attendance were tremendously blessed, encouraged and helped by your presentations.  Everyone found you highly motivational.  Your unique use of music during your presentations was fun and uplifting.  The women appreciated your transparency and knowledge and commended you for “keeping your presentation real.”

diamond 15“On behalf of the National Association of Black Narcotic Agents, I would like to personally extend my thanks and gratitude to you for your participation in the 31st Annual Training Conference held July 14-18, 2008 in Atlanta, Georgia.  Your instruction block was well prepared, informative, professionally presented and very well received.  Your presence made the difference.  The success of the conference was due to the participation and professionalism of those like you.  Your dedication should be commended.”  ~ Aprile Whitesell, NABNA Atlanta Chapter President

diamond 15“It is with great pleasure that I recommend Jewel Diamond Taylor as a presenter.  Jewel has always displayed a high degree of integrity, responsibility and ambition.  This seasoned and energizing speaker connects to any audience quickly speaking to the relevant themes of life with a fresh voice and perspective.  In addition to her excellent presentation skills that touch people from all walks of life, she has proven her leadership ability by organizing a support group that provides the guidance for continuous self-evaluation and personal growth.  As past National President for the National Organization of Blacks in Government, I am happy to give her my wholehearted endorsement.” ~ Gregory Reeves, Austin, TX

diamond 15“I am so excited!!!!!! I love Jewel Diamond Taylor for her inspirational, motivational, sensational and transformational spirit, that empowers, equips, motivates and inspires women for change, challenge and take charge.  I could not help but want to be president of “The Jewel Diamond Fan Club” for Indianapolis.  At one of the lowest moments of my life, I attended a Jewel Diamond meeting at my church and since then I have attended every time she comes to Indianapolis.  WOW!!!! my life has never been the same. She spoke to my heart, mind and spirit!  I was so inspired that I purposed in my heart to stay strong and to prosper myself by lifting myself up so that I could lift up others. I started my own women and young girls empowerment organization. Harvest Girls International, Inc.  I have followed Jewel’s web site and read her books…full of motivations and empowering notes that kept me sound and determined to dream big!!! and to see those dreams come true and yet to continue to challenge myself to elevation, so that I will not become complacent in life’s changes and challenges.  Being the President of the Indianapolis Charter for Jewel Diamond is another level of elevation for me and all those who will join me in this wonderful venture.  Jewel has so much positive energy that it is contagious!!! Come on Indy and join me as we catch the vision with power and excitement in Indianapolis.  Jewel Diamond Taylor is a precious Jewel to the body of Christ who was once a Diamond in the rough and now Taylor made for the kingdom of God, for such a time as this.  Blessings to each and every one who will read this letter and remember…we are “Too Blessed to be stressed!” President Cris Meadows, Jewel Diamond Taylor Fan Club, Indianapolis Chapter

diamond 15“You are the “Quintessential Motivational Speaker” and “Life Coach”. Your retreats are life altering. I have participated in several retreats sponsored by your organization “Women on the Grow” and experienced firsthand your commitment and dedication to women.  There’s an old cliche’ that says “Nothing in Life is Free”, you have singlehandedly dispelled this myth. People do not realize you have offered untold  numbers of  free events, which allow women of all socio-economic  positions to attend.  Jewel, you respects all women and  consider them your Sisterfriends.  I thank God every day for your wisdom and loving spirit.”  Much Love & Respect, Angie Westfield

diamond 15“Mrs. Taylor,  I could not let this day go by and not say a BIG thank you to you!  I attended the Urban League’s Empowerment Summit in Hampton on November 8, 2007.  This was my first (but certainly not the last) opportunity to be in your presence and to hear you minister and motivate!  You delivered awesome words of encouragement and inspiration to me and a dynamic and productive experience. Your presentation was enthusiastic and left me refreshed and motivated. Again, I thank you! Have a good day!”  ~  Sonya (keeping my main thing — my main thing!)

diamond 15“I had the opportunity to participate in one of Ms. Taylor’s workshops entitle “How to Take Your Life to the Next Level” during the National Blacks in Government Annual Conference in Atlanta.  I cannot put into words the impact Ms. Taylor had on my life.  I walked out of her workshop energized, uplifted and ready to take my life and career to the next level.  I never forgot Ms. Taylor or what her workshop did for me.  So when I was asked to find a keynote speaker for the Drug Enforcement Administrator’s 2007 Annual Women’s History Month Celebration, I considered no one else but Jewel Diamond Taylor.  It was an awesome experience.  Her workshops are empowering, effective, engaging and informative.  I highly recommend Ms. Taylor.  She is truly an awesome speaker, life coach, instructor and role model.” Bertha Davis, U. S. Dept of Justice, Philadelphia

diamond 15“I just wanted to thank you again for speaking at our school and inspiring the men and women who guide our children everyday. Teachers have one of the toughest jobs today and I believe that what you had to share with us yesterday was a chance for us to learn, to be students instead of teachers.  In doing so, we were able to listen differently, see differently, and hopefully do things differently. As I said to you yesterday, you are a beautiful person inside and out and I’m very grateful you came to our community. ” ~ Claudia Paeth/ Art teacher/Attica School Corp

diamond 15“On behalf of the Fontana Chamber of Commerce and Inland Empire Woman Conference Executive Planning Committee, we want to thank you for your presentation in the 8th Annual IEWC “The Power of Being a Woman.”  The event was a huge success.  Your support helped us to provide an afternoon of fellowship, personal development and empowerment to over 300 women.”  Phyllis Clark, Chair, Exec Planning Committee

diamond 15“Ms. Taylor, I certainly do enjoy the CD’s I have ordered from you and the books. I am ready to order another book and possibly another CD. I really get a lot out of the CD’s and books. I feel as if you are here talking to me and encouraging me to take another step forward and another and focus on what is forward because what’s behind is behind us, it is gone.  I am a 52 year old College student and I love it.  Education is very important to me and self esteem which over the years I have had squashed, but through your positive attitude and spirit I realize I deserve to achieve whatever I can and go forward in all area’s of my life. And that is what I plan to do!  You are a big motivator and an inspiration to me. God Bless” –  Teresa W., Indiana

diamond 15“Thank you Jewel Diamond Taylor for your exceptional presentation at the U. S. Army Human Resources Command – St. Louis.  Your workshop “How to Cope with Change” was a great inspiration for all who attended the program.  On behalf of myself and the Command, I thank you for your presentation on the 13th of September 2006.”  ~ Robert T. Marsh, Colonel, U. S. Army Commanding

diamond 15“You are truly an inspiration to both men and women.  Having attended my first Blacks in Government Conference this year in New York,  I did not know what to expect in regards to seminars. Your seminar titled. “You Are Too Blessed to be Stressed”, got me so motivated I attended your next seminar titled, “Its the Way You Do the Things you Do”.  It was just as enlightening. You made my BIG experience huge!!!!!!! ~ Richard B.

diamond 15“Your e-mails mean a lot….it helps to keep me focused. My husband, Harry Glenn, died on September 11, 2001 in the Terrorist Attacks at the World Trade Center in NYC. Harry worked on the 97th floor of the North Tower. Each and every morning before his death he would always check to see your Motivational Gems e-mail and would make it a point of printing a copy for me to read during my workday or if time permitted, he would e-mail it to me at work.  Thanks for helping me to heal and get through so a difficult time.  God Bless You and your willingness to help others.”  ~ Sharon Cobb-Glenn

diamond 15“Jewel your motivational messages inspire me as I read them here in Australia.  Keep up the work.  You get me many through difficult days. Please don’t ever stop doing what you do so well.”   C. Shaw – Melbourne, Australia

diamond 15

“Dear Jewel, I thank God for having a wonderful sister in the Lord like you. Ever since I started receiving motivational gems from you, my approach to life has changed tremendously. Your quotes and motivational gems not only encourage me, but also give me spiritual nourishment.  If I don’t read any gem from you I two days, I feel that something is amiss in me, till I read one.  In this regard, I would like to thank God Almighty for using you as His messenger. May He richly bless you. ”  Kelyson Mang’ola, Lusaka, Zambia, Central Africa

diamond 15hi jewel …It has been a number of years now that I have being reading your encouragements thanks very much for the work you are doing. I know in your own life you have challenges which you share with other people so that they can learn from you.  Continue to do that.  GOD BLESS YOU AND THE WHOLE TEAM WORKING WITH YOU .  CONTINUE TO GOOD WORK . RACHEAL WAMUNDILA  LUSAKA ZAMBIA   SOUTHERN AFRICA

diamond 15“I have been looking for my purpose.  Your workshops and church and so many other paths have slowly but surely bringing clarity to my destiny.  A long story short, your witness today put a key in place I have been searching for.  Thank you for being a witness to God.  Please always be open to what His will is in your life.”  Larry, Denver, CO

diamond 15“I was encouraged to find my passion after hearing you speak at Warm Spirit’s Sales Conference in New Orleans. You are an awesome speaker and a blessing to women everywhere!” Vanessa B.

diamond 15“I attended a workshop you did at the end of March on Edwards Air Force Base. After the afternoon Tea I came to talk to you. Your workshop really moved me and made me change my life. I went and bought a journal the very next day. I read over the notes of the workshop to keep me motivated. I would like to thank you so much for all you have done. It is amazing what words can do when you hear them from the right person. ” ~ Angela R.

diamond 15“On behalf of the Black History Awareness Celebration committee, we’d like to thank you again for taking the time out of your busy schedule to be a part of our program.  Your participation has certainly helped make our program a great success.  We really enjoyed your powerful presentation and applaud you for your ability to captivate and motivate the audience.  You were dynamic!”  Rosalyn Youngblood, Chairperson, CHEVRON

diamond 15“Mrs. Taylor, I was very blessed this year to have my 21 year old African American daughter as one of the graduates at UCLA where you were the graduation guest speaker. Throughout my daughter’s graduation party, your speech was the favorite topic. It was so memorable and it touched everyone!! I could think of several people in my life at the top of my head that I wish were there to also hear it. If there is any chance I could purchase a copy of that speech – please, please let me know!  If not, can someone e-mail me a list of tapes or books (especially books) with purchasing directions?  I am especially interested in the subject of not allowing fear to hold us back. It took hearing your statement for it to hit me how much I’ve allowed fear to hold me back. There have been so many things I put off doing because of fear of “what if …”. I am a single Mom of 4 that worked 11 years at two jobs raising my children in Inglewood.  There were many times I didn’t know how I would feed my children the next week (not an exaggeration). But my Heavenly Father always managed to keep food on the table. Christmases and birthdays were very meager. I’ve been very blessed with good kids that are all college graduates now (my oldest received his masters at USC last year in Social Work). I very thankful they were not victims of the streets.  I so appreciate speakers like yourself. Please keep doing what you do!  It keeps many of us going. I didn’t finish college but, now that I don’t have to work two jobs, at 48 I’m back in school. I miss having small children around, so I recently made the long over due call about doing foster parenting. For to long fear has slowed me down, and I didn’t realize it until I heard your speech. You are so loved!”  ~ Gloria N., Los Angeles, CA

diamond 15“I  recently purchased your book – “Too Blessed to be Stressed”.  I can hardly put it down.  I feel as though someone is speaking directly to me. If you do not have this  book and there are issues in your life that you know you need to address, you should pick up a copy of this book.  I have so many motivating books, tapes etc. on my closet shelf.  I would pick out parts I wanted to hear, skip through them and never finished one from cover to finish.  With “Too Blessed to be Stressed”, you do not want to miss one word.  It gives you a strong desire to be better.  I took one “baby step” and already good has come of it. For the first time I feel hope regarding my self imposed prison.  The key has always been there.  I just never used it. Peace, Love, Joy and Blessing to you.”  P. W. – Los Angeles

diamond 15“You are gifted from on high.  Even in the midst of a bountiful supply of gifted professional speakers, you stand out as a beacon.  Your book is a gem, needing only exposure to the larger American audience to take off.  Thank you for my personal and personalized copy.  You have grace, depth, breadth, eloquence, sincerity and humor.   Sincerely  Sr. Pastor “Chip” Cecil L. Murray, First AME Church, Los Angeles, CA

diamond 15Jewel: “I have been on your distribution mail list for 4 years now. Your messages are very powerful and are always right on time for what I am going through. This message is another case in point. I always include your name and website info when sharing your message, I would not rob you in such a way and thereby reduce the riches that I wish to come my way from the Universal flow of the Lord.  Take Good Care, You are in my prayers. ”  Tony W. – Alexandria, VA

diamond 15“My meeting you, your sister and daughter at Blacks in Government in Atlanta August of 2002 has been a real blessing to me and my family. You really were and have been an inspiration my life and I have the privilege of passing it along to my daughter and friends.  I shall never forget that morning (when I was tired and sleepy and was on my way to another seminar), heard the wonderful music from your seminar and just wondered in and sat near the back. Well, let me tell you I wondered in sleepy and tired and left refreshed and motivated!” – V. Johnson

diamond 15“Thank Jewel Diamond Taylor for sharing your success gems with us as our keynote speaker for Women Owners of McDonald’s franchises. Your presentation has received enthusiastic and wonderful reviews.  We wish you all the best.”      WON Conference – San Francisco

diamond 15“The Superstars Advisory Committee wishes to thank you for your participation at the Tenth Annual Superstars Conference on May 8, 2002. Your presentation on self-esteem received excellent ratings. We are looking forward to working with you again.”  Donna Zamor, L. A. Unified School District, Personnel Commission

“It was an absolutely joyful and enriching experience having you at World Vision for our annual Black History Celebration.  I have received nothing less than praise for the chapel service and several staff shared how they were challenged to think, some brought to tears, and others were given an opportunity to reflect on their personal history and church roots.  Thank you, we were blessed by your gifts.”     Angela D. Black – World Vision

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your participation in the San Diego County Symposium 2002. Your address was well received by over 300 persons from the San Diego law enforcement and service communities. Your keynote address was instrumental in setting the tone.”   Carol Williams, Parole and Community Services Division

“I just want to thank Jewel for using the gifts that God has given her to encourage and inspire others. I consider you to be one of my mentors, and I practically listen to some of your tapes everyday, because I need the encouragement to rise above my challenges in life.. Right now I am looking at some of your books again Too Blessed to Be Stressed, Success Gems and Sisterfriends. We all need other people in our lives who encourage us to live to our fullest potential, enjoy life and be a blessing to others, and you do this in my life. Jewel you are a blessing! I met you and your sister Joy in the Bahamas last year,  Thank-you!”  Joy D. – Nassau Bahamas

“Jewel, you are a God send from heaven. Thanks to all your inspirational thoughts, I’ve been able to overcome all the many obstacles that has come my way. GOD BLESS YOU & YOUR FAMILY, ALWAYS IN MY PRAYERS” – Lori Flores Guam, USA

“I thank you and appreciate what you are doing. You are fulfilling lives around you as you fulfill your own. You are a gardener. One who cultivates, sprinkles and waters on many lands (lives). Continue to do your good work in faith!!!”   ~ Cynthia

“I read your book SISTERFRIENDS, and it has really been an inspiration to me. It has made me go after opportunities that I have been afraid of. Remember to be careful in telling your friends and families your dreams because people can be dream destroyers IF YOU LET THEM BE. To all the women, pray to God and then get your answer from him FIRST. Thank you Jewel, and God Bless you some more!” Beverly W. – Milwaukee, Wisconsin

“I was introduced to your site by my Daughter Valarie Mance of Oakland,Ca. I love your motivational and encouraging messages.” Sincerely, Henry Mance, Miami, Fl

“Dear Jewel, I received one of your books called “Your are too blessed to be stressed”. This book was very inspirational to me. I am going through some situations where i thought I had no where to turn but as I continued to read on in the book I realized that the only person I can lean on is GOD because God Opens Doors. Thank you and stay blessed.”   C. M. – East Orange, New Jersey

“While living in Chattanooga, TN, I heard your motivational quotes every morning on WJTT Power 94 and was so completely moved that I took a break with my coffee every morning at 10:00 to be uplifted by your words. Thank you for that motivation…I just discovered your website, books, etc. and am looking forward to more inspiration.”   A. Joslin – Indianapolis, Indiana

“I was introduced to your work in Orlando, Florida Thanksgiving ’99. I have bought several things and sent them to dear friends. I am happy to say that more women and people in general are becoming more familiar with you and your messages. Keep up the work. Thank you for your words of encouragement. Sending peace, love, and light !!!”   Kemba, Jackson, MS

“I first heard about Jewel Diamond Taylor on a local radio station and found the motivational notes they read very uplifting and could not help it but be an ardent follower. She is simply divine if I may use that word (God forgive me)” – Paul C. – UNZA, LUSAKA, ZAMBIA

“I just want to encourage you to keep doing what you are doing. Both you and Joy are a blessing. I attended your Sisterfriends Retreat for the first time and I will not miss another one. I went home so refreshed. And now when I stand in lines I am no longer impatient I just reflect on what Jewel said and know it is a blessing for me to be able to stand in line and pay for what ever I need or want. I am giving your book “Sisterfriends” to my sisterfriends as Christmas gifts.”  Michelle D. – Los Angeles

“I am thankful most to my good friend Ms. C – for the encouragement she showed in leading me to your website. I needed an affirmation that “I am not superwoman”-I am learning to let it go. Ms. Taylor your website is truly a jolt to the system; a confirmation of mind and spirit. I am that sequential mother/full-time worker /student/ /wife/juggler /coach/ advisor/ supervisor/musician (yet another part-time commitment to church)/teacher/friend/still aspiring to be all that I can be; my only wish is that my children (ages 3-16) take note and learn from the blood, sweat & tears of my journey. I am thankful for the support of true friendship that I have found (in spite of a busy schedule). Ms. Taylor if you are ever in the Great Lakes or midwest region please come to Indianapolis. That’s about a 2 1/2 hour drive from Ft. Wayne-we’d sure love to experience your motivational workshops. Stress-no-more!”  Alicia R – Ft. Wayne, Indiana

“I have been truly blessed through your wisdom , words of encouragement and inspirational advice. I sincerely thank GOD for enabling a “Gem” to shine for the world to see visually and to feel spiritually. I Thank you and your Staff. May GOD continue to Bless you Richly with your future endeavors.”   Kisha S. – Atlanta, GA

“Jewel really motivates me with her words.”  – Alinani Msisya, Lusaka, Zambia, Africa

“I have been receiving your messages from a friend who forwards them over to me, and it has really inspired me to keep the faith. I am a single parent with three daughters to raised and your messages has been truly a blessing in my trails and tribulations. Thanks so much for your words of wisdom.”  Janet F. – Dallas, TX


One response to “Jewel’s Impact – testimonies”

  1. I have followed Jewel Diamond Taylor since her launch into the world of speaking life into our dark places. I have benefited from her books and webpage for years. I have been been blessed to attend one of her gatherings of women on the grow. I never thought though that she would pay personal attention to me as I was following her from what seemed to be a distance. As I continued my journey and grew in self-confidence, I began to send comments and posts to her Facebook page. One day she messaged me and asked if we could talk on the phone. I was overwhelmed. Ms. Taylor asked to speak to me? She graciously poured the Diamond Dust of her wisdom and love into my spirit. It infused a needed element of faith that I could achieve my dreams with hard work and belief in God and myself. She is a key element to my growth. I recommend her to you the reader of this missive in any form you can partake in. Her gifts and heart bring the miraculous into the realm of reality. Thank you Jewel Diamond Taylor. See you at the top!

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